The Indian Space Research  Organisation (ISRO)  was established in August 1969,Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai is known as the father of (ISRO).

 Aryabhata spacecraft, named after the famous Indian astronomer, was India's first satellite; it was completely designed and fabricated in India

INSAT ,1983 is the largest domestic communication system in the Asia Pacific Region

The GSAT satellites are India's indigenously developed communications satellites, used for digital audio, data and video broadcasting. As of 5 December 2018

Chandrayaan-1 was India's first lunar probe, launched by the ISRO in October 2008. It was, aimed at conducting scientific experiments and exploring the Moon's surface

 India's Mars Orbiter Mission, , was the  first mission to the Red Planet. It was launched November 5, 2013

 Chandrayaan-2 launched on July 22, 2019, the lander attempt a  lunar Lending

Chandrayaan-3, launch scheduled  July 14, 2023,for   the safe landing on the lunar surface.