AI in Daily Life 5 Ways You Use It Without Knowing

You interact with AI every day—here's how! By- Anuja Negi


1. Voice Assistants (Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant)

Your friendly voice assistant is powered by AI, helping you with tasks from setting alarms to playing your favorite music.


2. Social Media Feeds

AI algorithms tailor your social media feed based on your interests and interactions—keeping you hooked!


3. Online Shopping Recommendations

Ever wondered why the perfect product shows up while you browse? That’s AI at work, analyzing your shopping behavior.


4. Email Filters

AI helps keep your inbox clean by filtering spam and categorizing emails based on content and importance.


5. Navigation (Google Maps, Waze)

AI analyzes traffic in real-time to guide you on the quickest routes to your destination. Background: A map interface with traffic routes or a car on a road, following navigation directions.


AI is everywhere, making your life easier without you even realizing it. How many of these did you know about?